Digital Talk #109 - Dezember 2020 | Downloads: 942 |

- Digital Talk #109
- Keyboard Test (Tastaturbelegung festellen)
- Digital Talk Editor 6.99 (Texte schreiben)
- Eingabentest (Joystick-Maus-Paddle Test)
- Brain Bricks (Daimansion)
- Hoseitout deluxe (für C128 von Oziphantom)
- Takoneko (Preview von Leuat)
- Transwarp 0.64 (Speedload von Krill)
Digital Talk #108 - Mai 2020 | Downloads: 904 |

- Digital Talk #108
- Bytefighter
- Master Mind
- Color Selection Basic
- Amok
- Mine 20, Break 20, Rhino 20, Wurm 20
- Covidbreaker
- Survival Messenger
- Ghost-Town
- Atic Atac
- Santron
- Exor
- Major Blink
- Toxic 2020 Edition
Digital Talk #107 - Dezember 2019 | Downloads: 878 |

- Digital Talk #107
- SplatThem64
- Stopper
- Space Orbs
- 4 A Win
Digital Talk #106 - August 2019 | Downloads: 879 |

- Digital Talk #106
- Intruder Alert
- 4M Arena
- Super Goatron
- Out of Ink
- Endless Forms most beautiful
- Out of Beer
- The great Escape
- Vegetables v2
- Crystal Caves
- Pocket Dungeon
Digital Talk #105 - April 2019 | Downloads: 1356 |

- Digital Talk #105
- Stargazer
- M A H
- Sheep is a Key v1.19
- Jake the Snake
- Kami
- Aviator Arcade 2 (Trainer)
- Bruce Lee - Return of Fury
- Portal v1
- Wolfling v1.4
- Tenebra Macabre
- Lala Prologue
- Super Galax-I-Birds
Dieser Ausgabe lag ein gedrucktes Beiheft bei, welches als PDF downloadbar ist. |
Digital Talk #104 - Dezember 2018 | Downloads: 1235 |

- Digital Talk #104
- Brainion (exklusive neue Level zu Crillion)
- Steel Ranger (Trainer)
- Rocky Memphis and the Legend of Atlantis (Trainer)
- Zombie Calavera Prologue (auch C16 + VC20)
- Rent a Cop 2
- Lumberjack Basic
- Shadow Switcher
Digital Talk #103 - August 2018 | Downloads: 1280 |

- Digital Talk #103
- Steelranger (Demoversion)
- Digger
- Tacky (Basic)
- Jake the Snake
- Lumberjack Deluxe
- Missile Blasta Remastered V2
- Jump Man (Basic)
- Skydiving
- Rogue Ninja V1.1
Dieser Ausgabe lag ein gedrucktes Beiheft bei, welches als PDF downloadbar ist.
Digital Talk #102 - April 2018 | Downloads: 1322 |

- Digital Talk #102
- Hessian V1.2
- Crank Crank Revolution
- Icebox Plus
- Fallout Hacker
- Retaliate V0.3 (Previewversion)
Dieser Ausgabe lag ein gedrucktes Beiheft bei, welches als PDF downloadbar ist.
Digital Talk #101 - Dezember 2017 | Downloads: 1660 |

- Digital Talk #101
- Slipstream
- Mousetest V2
- 2K Race
- Galencia 1.5 (exklusive 10-Level-Demoversion)
- It's Magic 2 (spielbare Demoversion)
Digital Talk #100 - August 2017 | Downloads: 1592 |

- Digital Talk #100
- Frogs
- Shotgun 1.1
- Elektrosmog
- Galancia Beta 3 (spielbare Demo)
- The Secret of Monkey Island (spielbare Demo)
Digital Talk #99 - April 2017 | Downloads: 1647 |

- Digital Talk #100
- Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom
- Platman
- Fire to Jump
- Firt Django
- Soace Trip VE
- Kong Arcade
Digital Talk #98 - Februar 2014 | Downloads: 2599 |

- Digital Talk #098
- News
- Interviews: Champ, Dejuhra, Falk, Scrope, Unlock
- Talkies & Dikussionen
- Combination Review
- usw.
Digital Talk #97 - Juli 2013 | Downloads: 2593 |

- Digital Talk #97
- C64 News
- Retro Moderne
- Neues vom Emu64
- CGT $0C
- HOMECON 20&21
- Wonderland Game-Review
- ...
Digital Talk #96 - Dezember 2012 | Downloads: 2771 |

Digital Talk #95 - Oktober 2012 | Downloads: 2590 |

- Jack Tramiel
- DT Leser-Chat
- Party Reports: HomeCon 16+17, CTG $0A, Rewired 2012
- Soulless Test
- ...